18 years ago I gave birth to my son, and I fell in love with him of course...but on that day I also fell in love with the birth journey.
I became a Childbirth Educator and Doula in 2006 and dove deep into supporting moms-to-be.
But here's what happened. Moms would phone me in tears reporting how difficult their postpartum was. How much discomfort they were in. How they felt no one prepared them. They were in pain... with bleeding nipples, lack of milk supply, their vagina hurt - and NO ONE WAS TALKING ABOUT THESE THINGS! They felt alone and physically in discomfort, all while trying to learn how to be a new mom.
I knew I had to do something to help.
I have always been a bit of a witch doctor, brewing teas and natural remedies for my family and friends when they had an ailment. I have always believed in nature's wisdom and the incredible power that can come from natural remedies.
I wanted to come alongside these amazing women who just brought life into the world, and bring comfort and healing to their body....and so I turned my vision into creating products that were designed exactly to meet the unique needs of the pregnant and postpartum body!

At first, I just sold these handcrafted products to my personal doula clients. My clients raved. This was helping them prepare their body for birth! They felt stronger, more connected to their body. Using these products lowered their anxieties and of course...the best news is that it helped them heal faster after birth and even reduced the risk of vaginal tearing.
They told their friends, who told their friends, midwives started telling their patients about the benefits...and so was Baby Nest Birth Boutique was born.
Today, our boutique is filled with products that help moms have a better birth experience from start to finish. It's about women giving their changing bodies the self-care they deserve. This natural body-care line meets the needs of the most common discomforts in pregnancy and the postpartum period. All of our products have a spa-like quality to them, full of beautiful scents and high quality, sourced ingredients.
We are proudly 100% women-owned and ran, and put intention into every single jar, bottle and bag. Our production manager is a mom of a toddler and TWINS...we are living this life of motherhood on the front lines and know EXACTLY what the realities are.
In my 18 years of being a birth worker...I've seen the challenges firsthand — from the pain “down there”, to the stretch marks, to the discomfort while learning to breastfeed—and while they’re normal, they’re also preventable and can be healed.
Moms deserve self-care during this stage, and they are not meant to suffer. We are here to remind moms about their needs and feelings and to pour back into them as they do one of the hardest jobs on earth.